Radio Opole » Kraj i świat
2022-05-12, 11:10 Autor: PAP

Erste Foundation: Notification - #TimeToDecide22: Questions on the Future of the EU, Ukraine, Russia and the Western Balkan Countries (MediaRoom)

The summit will be livestreamed from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.

On 20 May, leading European intellectuals will discuss propositions and possible solutions for Europe, the Western Balkans, Ukraine and Russia. On the initiative of ERSTE Foundation in cooperation with the Institute for Human Sciences (IWM), the aim is to make a future-oriented and value-based contribution to peace solutions that focuses on Europe as a whole.

Time To Decide Europe Summit 2022 on Friday, 20 May from 9 a.m. - 8 p.m.

The agenda and the live stream is available here:

Austrian Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen and Foreign Minister of Ukraine Dmytro Kuleba are expected to deliver the opening remarks (both online).

The five moderated dialogues by two speakers will be complemented by discussions with some 20 experts:

· How should Ukraine be rebuilt after the war?

· What lessons can we draw from the Balkans?

· Is it Central Europe’s moment in Europe right now?

· How will the European Union be transformed?

· What will the future be for Russia?

Participants include the following experts: Dimitar Bechev (Director, European Policy Institute), Franziska Brantner (Parliamentary State Secretary, German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action), Marina Davydova (theatre critic, director, playwright and producer), Nikola Dimitrov (Non-Resident Fellow at the Institute for Human Sciences/IWM), Ivana Dragičević (editor-at-large, N1 Television), Florence Gaub (Deputy Director, European Union Institute for Security Studies), Misha Glenny (Rector, Institute for Human Sciences/IWM), Heather Grabbe (Director, Open Society European Policy Institute), Stephen Holmes (Walter E. Meyer Professor of Law at New York University), Anna Jermolaewa (Vienna-based Russian artist), Gerald Knaus (Chairman, European Stability Initiative), Ivan Krastev (Permanent Fellow, Institute for Human Sciences/IWM), Olivia Lazard (Europe’s Futures Fellow, Institute for Human Sciences (IWM), Visiting Scholar, Carnegie Europe), Stefan Lehne (Visiting Fellow, Carnegie Europe Brussels), Márta Pardavi (Co-Chair, Hungarian Helsinki Committee), Serhii Plokhy (Mykhailo S. Hrushevsky Professor of Ukrainian History, Harvard University), Susanne Scholl (writer, journalist and former ORF correspondent in Moscow), Sławomir Sierakowski (Senior Fellow, German Council on Foreign Relations), Zsuzsanna Szelényi (Director, Democracy Institute Leadership Academy), Nathalie Tocci (Director, Istituto Affari Internazionali, Rome), Maxim Trudolyubov (editor-at-large, Meduza), Ivan Vejvoda (Permanent Fellow, Institute for Human Sciences/IWM), Karolina Wigura, (sociologist, Robert Bosch Academy Fellow Berlin, member of the board at Kultura Liberalna Foundation in Warsaw), and Želimir Žilnik (Serbian film director). The conference’s content curator is Dessy Gavrilova.

Further inquiries & contact:

Thomas Goiser

tel. +43 664 2410268



ERSTE Foundation - Communications

Maribel Königer

tel. +43 664 8385341


Source: APA-OTS

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