Radio Opole » Kraj i świat
2021-09-09, 15:30 Autor: PAP

Delphix DevOps Data Platform Achieves SAP Certified Integration with SAP NetWeaver® and SAP S/4HANA® (MediaRoom)

Solution Delivers Data Compliance, Ransomware Protection to Customers through Interoperability with SAP technology.

REDWOOD CITY, Calif., Sept. 09, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Delphix, the industry leading data company for DevOps, announced today that the Delphix DevOps Data Platform 6.0 has achieved SAP certification as integrated with SAP NetWeaver® and SAP S/4HANA®. The integrations help organizations use Delphix to automatically mask data for privacy compliance, secure data from ransomware attacks, and deliver efficient, virtualized data to accelerate SAP releases or train artificial intelligence and machine learning models.

“Our SAP certifications add critical capabilities to accelerate digital transformation while improving data privacy and security - said Dan Graves, CTO of Delphix. - Ransomware attacks increasingly include data exfiltration, which can expose customer data and violate privacy laws such as GDPR, CCPA, and HIPAA. Masking and secure, automated data delivery have become requirements for every company”.

The SAP Integration and Certification Center (SAP ICC) has certified that the integration software for Delphix DevOps Data Platform 6.0 integrates with SAP NetWeaver and SAP S/4HANA using standard integration technologies. With these integrations, organizations can use Delphix to mask SAP data through an SAP-approved API layer. Businesses using SAP solutions can also integrate Delphix’s data automation and virtualization with other SAP capabilities via APIs.

“In a highly regulated environment, we need the ability to protect sensitive customer data while still delivering capabilities in our business applications. Delphix's masking solution enables us to mask data across SAP solutions, Oracle Fusion HCM, Salesforce, and custom apps. The masking project took less than 20 days, allowing us to meet the demands of the business” - said Mathieu Guesdon, Chef de Service at Energir.

About Delphix

Delphix is the industry leading data company for DevOps.

Data is critical for testing application releases, modernization, cloud adoption, and AI/ML programs. We provide an automated DevOps data platform for all enterprise applications. Delphix masks data for privacy compliance, secures data from ransomware, and delivers efficient, virtualized data for CI/CD.

Our platform includes essential DevOps APIs for data provisioning, refresh, rewind, integration, and version control. Leading companies, including Choice Hotels, J.B.Hunt, and Fannie Mae, use Delphix to accelerate digital transformation. For more information, visit or follow us on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook.

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SAP and other SAP products and services mentioned herein as well as their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of SAP SE in Germany and other countries. Please see for additional trademark information and notices. All other product and service names mentioned are the trademarks of their respective companies.


Aarthi Rayapura

Director, Editorial & Content


Source: GlobeNewswire

UWAGA: Za materiał opublikowany przez redakcję PAP MediaRoom odpowiedzialność ponosi jego nadawca, wskazany każdorazowo jako „źródło informacji”.

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