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2021-06-15, 09:50 Autor: PAP

Delphix Appoints Proven Industry Leader as Senior Vice President of International Operations (MediaRoom)

Steve Barrett Brings More Than Two Decades of Experience in Enterprise Software, SaaS to Delphix.

LONDON, June 15, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Delphix, the pioneer in programmable data infrastructure, today announced the appointment of Steve Barrett as Senior Vice President of International Operations. Based in the UK, Barrett will be responsible for leading revenue operations for both EMEA and APJ.

“Steve’s track record of leading teams to deliver consistent performance and drive customer engagement will be a key advantage for us as we continue to pioneer data automation,” said Steven Chung, President of Worldwide Field Operations at Delphix. “In addition to his domain expertise in DevOps, enterprise apps and data centres, Steve's focus on employee engagement and passion for encouraging diversity, equity and inclusion makes us very excited to welcome him to the Delphix team.”

Barrett brings more than 20 years of experience in enterprise software and SaaS companies. He joins Delphix from PagerDuty where he led the European business from early stages to post IPO as Vice President of EMEA. Under his leadership, which included the UK, Nordics, Benelux, France, Spain, DACH, Italy, Eastern Europe and Middle East Africa, EMEA became the top-performing and fastest-growing revenue operation globally. Prior to PagerDuty, Barrett served as Regional Vice President of the UK for Demandware, a Salesforce company. He has also held senior leadership positions at EMC and Bottomline Technologies.

“Delphix uniquely addresses priorities that are top of mind for businesses today-sustainable digital transformation, resiliency and data governance. Its programmable infrastructure unlocks the power of data and enables customers to have the best of both worlds, driving innovation without compromising on efficiency or compliance,” Barrett said. “The team already works with some of the most dynamic brands in the world, and I’m excited to join them on the next phase of Delphix’s growth.”

Barrett becomes the latest in a series of impressive appointments for Delphix, following the news that HashiCorp CEO, David McJannett, has joined its Board of Directors. Earlier this year, the company also announced its annual growth rate grew by over 85% for the fiscal year ending January 2021 compared to the prior year, pushing it into non-GAAP profitability. Delphix also achieved a world-class Net Promoter Score (NPS) of 89 during the fiscal year ending January 2021. Its customers now include 24 of the Fortune 100 companies, six of the top 10 banks in North America, five of the top 10 telecoms players in the world, 60 insurance and health insurance providers, and 25 major retailers.

About Delphix

Delphix is the pioneer in programmable data infrastructure. Delphix automates the biggest constraint in digital transformation programs-the data. Cloud, CI/CD, and AI/ML all have a voracious appetite for data and development environments. With our multi-cloud data platform, enterprises can adopt cloud 30% faster, release software 50% faster, and access 90% more data for AI/ML, while protecting personal data privacy and maintaining compliance with GDPR, CCPA, HIPAA, etc. For more information, visit or follow us on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook.


Orlando de Bruce

VP of Corporate Marketing & Brand


Source: GlobeNewswire

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