Radio Opole » Kraj i świat
2022-09-15, 12:50 Autor: PAP

Leading International Airline Selects eGain Knowledge Hub™ to Elevate Customer Service (MediaRoom)

SUNNYVALE, Calif., Sept. 15, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- eGain Corporation (NASDAQ: EGAN), the leading knowledge management platform for customer engagement automation, today announced that a leading international airline has selected the eGain Knowledge Hub™ to unify knowledge silos and take customer service to new heights.

A sprawling international airline with multiple business units, the airline has contact centers and customer service agents in cities around the world. The company had built up knowledge silos over time, making it difficult to provide a single source of truth for customer service agents. Familiar with the concept of hubs, being in the airline industry, the company wanted to implement one for knowledge to consolidate information and process knowhow in a single platform for use across customer touchpoints, countries, languages, and business units.

The airline took advantage of eGain’s unique, risk-free pilot - Innovation in 30 Days™ - to get team members to experience eGain’s knowledge hub solution free of charge. The trial included hands-on guidance for success, based on process and program best practices from eGain experts, in partnership with Deloitte’s Knowledge Management practice.

A positive experience from the pilot, together with rich functionality, domain expertise, and pre-built integration with Genesys® and Microsoft SharePoint™ led to eGain’s selection as the solution of choice. eGain will also provide implementation services, partnering with Deloitte.

To begin with, eGain Knowledge will be deployed to customer service agents at five hubs and eight satellite sites across touchpoints to handle queries across a wide range of topics such as Covid-related requirements, ticketing, baggage policies, and special services. The company plans to extend the same knowledge to digital self-service in the next phase.

“Knowledge silos create chaos and degrade the customer and agent experience,” said Ashu Roy, eGain CEO. “Our solution helps harmonize fast-changing knowledge with a unique hub approach.”

About eGain

Infused with AI, our knowledge-powered software automates digital-first experiences for enterprises and government agencies. Pre-connected with leading CRM and contact center systems, the eGain platform delivers quick value and easy innovation with virtual assistance, customer self-service, and modern agent desktop tools. Visit for more info.

Gain, the eGain logo, and all other eGain product names and slogans are trademarks or registered trademarks of eGain Corp. in the United States and/or other countries. All other company names and products mentioned in this release may be trademarks or registered trademarks of the respective companies.


eGain media contact

Michael Messner


phone: 408 636 4514

Source: GlobeNewswire

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