Radio Opole » Kraj i świat
2022-06-29, 08:50 Autor: PAP

Workplace Options acquires Essi Systems’ stress, resiliency and emotional intelligence assessments and behavior change tools to enhance its digital wellbeing solutions offerings (MediaRoom)

RALEIGH, N.C., June 28, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Workplace Options, a leading provider of integrated global wellbeing solutions, announced that it acquired Essi Systems’ stress, resiliency and emotional intelligence assessments and behavior change tools. Essi Systems is an international management consulting company that has been delivering scalable human capital solutions to improve employee health and optimize performance to more than 4,000 organizations in thirty countries worldwide for over 35 years.

“This acquisition will strengthen Workplace Options’ suite of digital services, adding new tools to our suite of emotional, practical, and physical solutions - says Alan King, President, and CEO at Workplace Options. - Our clients will benefit from the assessments and behavioral change tools that Essi Systems developed to further improve the health and resiliency of its members”.

Workplace Options will continue to expand and build upon the platform that Essi Systems has developed. This method of assessment has been scientifically validated for more than 30 years and is delivered through training, coaching, and consulting programs. Assessment tools include maps that provide extensive data on stress, resiliency, and emotional intelligence in a workplace population. Behavioral change tool, 21 Day Club®, delivered through SaaS platform is a robust assessment and skill building program aimed at helping individuals improve performance and resiliency for personal and professional development.

“Our clients and consultants can expect the same level of quality and service that they have come to know from our company - said Karla Carmony, CEO and President of Essi Systems. - Workplace Options has been on the forefront of developing innovative wellbeing solutions for 40 years and we are pleased to have them take what we’ve created to the next level”.

The acquisition of Essi Systems’ products and services is one of several key digital investments for Workplace Options as the company continues to grow and expands offerings to meet the changing needs of clients and members. The Essi Systems assessment tools will be integrated into Workplace Options’ iConnectYou (iCY) mobile app enabling users to take the assessments online and receive custom personalized solutions to improve their wellbeing.

Contact to learn more.

About Workplace Options

Workplace Options is the world’s largest independent wellbeing solutions leader that supports individuals to become healthier, happier, and more productive, both personally and professionally. We deliver digital and in-person support through tailored programs, data intelligence and a comprehensive global network of credentialed providers and professionals to deliver the best positive human-centered experience.

For more information about Workplace Options visit


Dalal Kheder


phone +1 416-648-2615

Source: GlobeNewswire

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