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2024-07-17, 14:20 Autor: PAP

Xsolla Boosts Payment Presence in Asia Through New Partnerships, Focusing on Local Gamer Markets (MediaRoom)

Expanding game reach and boosting sales through localized payment channels in the Philippines, Singapore, Hong Kong, and Pakistan.

LOS ANGELES--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Xsolla, a global video game commerce company, announces the further expansion of its payment solution across Southeast Asia, East Asia, and Pacific markets. The entry into markets unlocks new territories and optimizes existing payment channels for the most important region for gaming worldwide, representing 46% of global game revenues. Xsolla extends its payment solution by integrating Maya, PayNow, WeChat Pay HK, JazzCash, and Easypaisa for video game developers and gamers in the Philippines, Singapore, Hong Kong, and Pakistan. With this expansion, game developers can reach over 76 million gamers across these markets and increase conversion rates through localized payment interfaces and local processing.

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Maya is the fastest-growing digital bank in the Philippines and the top-rated consumer finance app on the Google Play Store and Apple Store. PayNow in Singapore is a real-time payment channel that offers universal accessibility through its broad network of banks, stringent security measures, and enhanced payment connectivity for more than 5 million users. JazzCash and Easypaisa are Pakistan's number one digital apps, serving more than 18 million and 15 million users annually, respectively. WeChat Pay HK is a convenient mobile payment channel embraced by more than 1 million online and offline merchants in Hong Kong and beyond. It offers its services to 5 million residents.

For game publishers, large or small, looking forward to international growth-particularly within Southeast Asia, East Asia, and Pacific region-Xsolla’s latest move offers them an invaluable resource: access not only to advanced technology and local payment solutions but also to deep market insights which come from working closely with local industry experts.

David Stelzer, President of Xsolla, comments, "We are unlocking access to five new payment channels across four booming Southeast Asia, East Asia, and Pacific markets, providing game developers with the tools to reach more gamers, improve conversion rates, and increase revenue. These markets are growing faster than the global average, with an annual growth rate of 9.47% compared to the global rate of 8.76%.

With 54% of global players in the APAC region, these predominantly younger gamers benefit from a high mobile penetration rate: 80.5% in Pakistan and over 140% in the other three countries, far above the global average of 69% in 2023. By offering local payment methods like Maya, PayNow, WeChat Pay HK, JazzCash, and Easypaisa, we're making it easier for developers to monetize their games in one of the world's fastest-growing gaming regions."

The Xsolla Payments solution offers a global reach with over 700 payment methods through a highly customizable multi-platform checkout, delivering a more comprehensive selection than most payment solutions in the industry. This expansion aims to help developers monetize and distribute their games globally while building a credible local presence in Asia.

For more information about Payments in Asia, visit or contact the Xsolla strategic partnerships team.

About Xsolla

Xsolla is a global video game commerce company with a robust and powerful set of tools and services designed specifically for the industry. Since its founding in 2005, Xsolla has helped thousands of game developers and publishers of all sizes fund, market, launch, and monetize their games globally and across multiple platforms. As an innovative leader in game commerce, Xsolla’s mission is to solve the inherent complexities of global distribution, marketing, and monetization to help our partners reach more geographies, generate more revenue, and create relationships with gamers worldwide. Headquartered and incorporated in Los Angeles, California, with offices in Montreal, London, Berlin, Beijing, Guangzhou, Seoul, Tokyo, Kuala Lumpur, Raleigh, and cities around the world, Xsolla supports major gaming titles like Valve, Take-Two, KRAFTON, Nexters, NetEase, Playstudios, Playrix, miHoYo, and more.

For additional information and to learn more, please visit:

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Source: Xsolla


Derrick Stembridge

Global Director of Public Relations



Source: Business Wire

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