Radio Opole » Kraj i świat
2024-07-23, 10:20 Autor: PAP

Gerhard Burits takes on new role at the ELATEC Group / RFID specialist ELATEC: New management duo with many years of experience

Munich, July 23, 2024 – Gerhard Burits expands his responsibilities and assumes the role of CEO of the ELATEC Group. Thanks to his in-depth knowledge of the company structure and his strategic foresight, he is ideally qualified to reinforce ELATEC’s position as an innovation leader in global competition. The management board will have joint leaders at the helm: Also on board is Paul Massey, who, as CEO of ELATEC Inc., is now also taking on the role of COO of the ELATEC Group and contributing his international expertise to a greater extent.

Gerhard Burits, who joined the company in June 2020 as Chief Financial Officer (CFO), has been appointed Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of ELATEC GmbH. Over the past four years, he has made a significant contribution as CFO to financial stability and international growth, positioning ELATEC excellently with his strategic expertise. As CEO, he is now determined to reinforce the ELATEC Group’s technological lead, strengthen its presence on the global market, and thus initiate the next growth spurt. Personal thanks go to the previous CEO, Robert Helgerth, who is going into a well-deserved retirement after a successful career. Under his leadership, ELATEC has strengthened and solidified the basis for further growth.

Global expansion course with quality ‘Made in Germany’

The ELATEC Group will continue to remain true to its core areas of expertise under the new leadership: “Quality ‘Made in Germany’ remains of crucial importance to us while we adapt agilely to changing market requirements and continue to offer top service quality,” says CEO Gerhard Burits. As Chief Operating Officer (COO), Paul Massey will work closely with Gerhard Burits to drive forward the company’s global strategy and promote international expansion.

ELATEC’s mission: Technological leadership through innovation and employee strength

Gerhard Burits, CEO of the ELATEC Group, emphasizes: “Our mission is to further develop ELATEC as a technology leader. The key to that lies in the innovative strength of our core areas of expertise and in promoting our employees. A positive corporate culture with team spirit and flat hierarchies, characterized by ELATEC expertise, is important to us. That lays the foundation for us to adapt flexibly to changing market requirements and expand our technological lead.”

Paul Massey adds: “Our aim is to consolidate and expand our position as a leading provider of innovative and future-proof access systems. We will help our customers through our innovative solutions and world-class service to be successful in a rapidly changing environment.”

Available images for download:

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ELATEC is a leading global provider of user authentication and identification solutions. Together with its global partners, the company develops innovative and future-proof access systems for its customers. With the interplay of pioneering multi-frequency readers, advanced authentication software and world-class service and support, ELATEC is driving the digital transformation of its customers and partners. The breakthrough solutions that result ensure an optimal user experience and are used in a wide range of applications and industries where secure and convenient access is required – including access control, fleet management, machine authentication, electric vehicle charging, secure printing, kiosks and more. Founded in 1988 and headquartered in Munich, Germany, the company is now represented at 19 locations worldwide.

For more information:

Press contact ELATEC GmbH:

Anna Vanessa Evertz

Zeppelinstraße 1

82178 Puchheim



tel.: +49895529961-180

Press contact agency:

Maisberger GmbH

Claudius-Keller-Str. 3c

81669 Munich



Source: APA-OTS

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