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2024-07-17, 14:30 Autor: PAP

Xsolla Launches Instant Access to Their Core Solutions: Game Sales, Launcher, and Cloud Gaming, to Provide Game Developers With Quick Access to Generating Revenue (MediaRoom)

Providing Game Developers with Seamless Integration for Immediate Revenue Generation.

LOS ANGELES--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Xsolla, a global video game commerce company, announces the launch of Xsolla Instant Game Sales, Instant Launcher, and Instant Cloud Gaming following the release of Instant Web Shop in March 2024.

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We have listened to developers express their primary challenges - resource allocation is crucial, yet many struggle to quickly go live with their games and offerings. In response, our streamlined approach facilitates seamless integration and provides developers of any size with instant tools to open new revenue streams for their games. Xsolla partners with game developers and studios of all sizes, offering a swift process to sign license agreements, integrate solutions, and generate revenue promptly, accelerating go-to-market time with direct-to-consumer solutions.

David Stelzer, President of Xsolla, comments: "Xsolla Instant Solutions suite enables developers to quickly and easily launch new monetization channels for their games, attract new paying audiences, and boost revenue by leveraging Xsolla’s comprehensive suite of solutions. We aim to help developers unlock new revenue opportunities while reducing time to market to one day, similar to what we did with the Instant Web Shop launch earlier this year."

Instant Web Shop

Instant Web Shop enables game developers to swiftly set up a fully operational online store for their mobile games, seamlessly transforming a simple link into a revenue-generating platform. This solution increases awareness of the advantages of online purchases and facilitates an effortless shift to a robust LiveOps monetization system, enhancing user engagement and maximizing revenue streams. Instant Web Shop also helps game developers generate more value and purchases with personalization, limited-time offers, promotions, and deep linking.

For more information about Xsolla Instant Web Shop or to sign up, visit:

Instant Game Sales

Instant Game Sales empowers developers to create store pages and initiate direct-to-consumer sales by importing content directly from Steam and Epic Game Store. This enables developers to integrate these offerings into their Game Sales page. It facilitates immediate game key sales during pre-orders and pre-launch phases, game releases, and seasonal promotions.

For more information about Xsolla Instant Game Sales or to sign up, visit:

Instant Launcher

The Instant Launcher is receiving a significant update to enhance its content delivery system. Developers can import content directly from Steam and Epic Game Store to access a pre-designed launcher app with pre-created design, details, and assets to enable instant direct-to-consumer distribution of their games. Instant Launcher benefits games at any release stage, powering test flights during pre-launch, upcoming launch, and further game monetization. With Launcher, developers can easily directly engage with their audience while cross-promoting their games inside one gaming hub, decreasing the average cost per lead.

For more information about Xsolla Instant Launcher or to sign up, visit:

Instant Xsolla Cloud Gaming

Instant Cloud Gaming offers a self-serve solution for seamless game distribution by rapidly launching a branded cloud gaming platform in as little as 30 minutes to 24 hours. Xsolla Cloud Gaming enables developers to engage directly with their audience by offering pre-launch testing, sharing early versions of their games with the community, and providing the opportunity to demo the game directly from the landing page. Scaling game access to any device ensures quick access to new revenue streams and guarantees reaching more players globally.

For more information about Xsolla Instant Cloud Gaming or to sign up, visit:

About Xsolla

Xsolla is a global video game commerce company with a robust and powerful set of tools and services designed specifically for the industry. Since its founding in 2005, Xsolla has helped thousands of game developers and publishers of all sizes fund, market, launch, and monetize their games globally and across multiple platforms. As an innovative leader in game commerce, Xsolla’s mission is to solve the inherent complexities of global distribution, marketing, and monetization to help our partners reach more geographies, generate more revenue, and create relationships with gamers worldwide. Headquartered and incorporated in Los Angeles, California, with offices in Montreal, London, Berlin, Beijing, Guangzhou, Seoul, Tokyo, Kuala Lumpur, Raleigh, and cities around the world, Xsolla supports major gaming titles like Valve, Take-Two, KRAFTON, Nexters, NetEase, Playstudios, Playrix, miHoYo, and more.

For additional information and to learn more, please visit:

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Source: Xsolla


Derrick Stembridge

Global Director of Public Relations, Xsolla


Source: Business Wire

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