Radio Opole » Kraj i świat
2023-06-06, 20:40 Autor: PAP

CIVIS Media Prize 2023, eight programmes honoured and a special prize for Isabel Schayani (MediaRoom)

06.06.2023 – Berlin (ots) | The winners of the European CIVIS Media Prize for Integration and Cultural Diversity 2023 have been announced: The main prize of 15,000 euros, the CIVIS TOP AWARD, goes to the documentary ARTE THEMA: Last Refuge - The House at the Gate to the Sahara (ARTE G.E.I.E), by the author and director Ousmane Samassékou. A work about people on the move, on the southern edge of the Sahara, about their dreams and traumas. The production is also the winner of the CIVIS VIDEO AWARD in the category Information. Explaining its decision, the jury of the CIVIS Media Prize states: „The documentary tells of the fortunes of these migrants, empathetically but never obtrusively, close but never encroaching. A documentary, haunting like few others.“

The VIDEO AWARD in the Entertainment category goes to author Ulf Ryberg with The Lost, Episode 1 (SVT).

Katz Laszlo and Mohamed Bah win with Mohamed (The Europeans | Are We Europe) in the VIDEO AWARD | Social Media Format category.

The CIVIS AUDIO AWARD in the long programme category is awarded to Ute Lieschke, for Welcome Home Dr. Marco – Searching for Identity between Karl-Marx-Stadt and Kenya (SWR I Deutschlandfunk).

Winner in the category short programme is Roman Fillinger with Escape from Ukraine – a roller coaster ride of emotions, “Rendez-vous”: The resolution: “I want to live instead of waiting.”, Episode 6/6 (Swiss Radio and Television).

The winners of the audience award CIVIS AUDIO AWARD Podcasts are authors Cengiz Tarhan, Larissa Sobral, Sophie Anggawi, Karina Gordok, Isabelle Werner, Salwa Houmsi with Among Almans - Migrant Stories | Anxiety in the wake of the Haunau attack: Parshad about anger, episode 2 (Radio Bremen / COSMO)

Jonathan Brunner, author of Border Conversations (Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg), wins the YOUNG C. AWARD.

The Audience Prize CIVIS CINEMA AWARD goes to director David Wnendt and producer Fabian Gasmia for the film Sonne und Beton (Seven Elephants, Constantin Film | Constantin Film Verleih).

Isabel Schayani receives a special prize from the CIVIS VIDEO Jury "for her many years of outstanding and sustained reporting on the topic of flight and asylum", according to the jury's statement.

Europe's most important media prize for integration and cultural diversity will be awarded in a televised ceremony. From Saturday, 10 June, the programme will be available in the ARD Mediathek, and on Sunday, 11 June, 23:35, ARD/Das Erste will broadcast the event.

The award ceremony will be hosted by journalist and presenter Natalie Amiri.

Partners of the CIVIS Media Foundation, whose activities include the organisation of the CIVIS Media Prize, will contribute short statements to the programme: Tom Buhrow, Chairman of the CIVIS Board of Trustees and Director-General of WDR, Andreas Freudenberg, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Freudenberg Foundation, the Directors-General Peter Limbourg (Deutsche Welle) and Stefan Raue (Deutschlandradio), the Director-General Roland Weißmann (ORF) as well as the Director for Development and Offerings of SRG SSR, Bakel Walden, Minu Barati-Fischer from the Producers Alliance, Christiane von Websky, Head of Participation and Cohesion at Stiftung Mercator, Friederike Behrends, Chairwoman of the Management Board of Deutsche Postcode Lotterie.

Almost 900 programmes from 22 EU countries and Switzerland competed for the CIVIS Media Prize. CIVIS is Europe's most important media prize for integration and cultural diversity. It has been awarded in various categories since 1988. The CIVIS Media Prize is under the patronage of the European Parliament.

Here are the dates of broadcast.

Find press information and image material here.

Follow CIVIS on Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | YouTube | #civis2023


CIVIS Medienstiftung

für Integration und kulturelle Vielfalt in Europa

Ferdos Forudastan

phone: +49 (0)221 277 58 70


Source: APA-OTS

UWAGA: Za materiał opublikowany przez redakcję PAP MediaRoom odpowiedzialność ponosi jego nadawca, wskazany każdorazowo jako „źródło informacji”.

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