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2021-04-13, 09:00 Autor: PAP

Rajant Showcases Fully Mobile Mining Connectivity in Moscow at Mining World Russia April 20th-22nd 2021, Booth B2051 (MediaRoom)

Solution Partners CompTek, LANIT, and Others Demonstrate Mission Critical Voice, Video, and Augmented Reality for Mining Applications “Live” on the Show Floor.

MALVERN, Pennsylvania, April 13, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Rajant Corporation, the provider of Kinetic Mesh® wireless networks, will be attending Mining World Russia, which takes place at Moscow’s Crocus Expo. The international trade show, which is in its 25th year exhibiting machines and equipment for mining, processing, and transportation of minerals, takes place April 20th – 22nd, 2021, with Rajant joining its partners in Pavilion 1, Hall 3, Stand B2051. Showcasing collaborative solutions for fully mobile mining connectivity will be Rajant’s Russia-based distributor CompTek and technology providers LANIT, AMT-GROUP, CROC, DCLogic, NEMAN, and SATEL.

Showcased, alongside Rajant’s networking, will be LANIT’s VR/AR “smart glasses”. Equipped with a video camera and compact screen, this technological solution’s software operates over the Rajant network and enables visualization of on-site observations to command centers for collaborative off-site expertise to complete all phases of the mining mission successfully. “You need a Mission Critical network to enable Augmented Reality in hard-to-reach challenging locations,” says Nikita Ivanov, CompTek’s head of sales. “CompTek’s integration partners in Russia and the CIS are committed to evolving mining’s overall productivity, safety, and efficiency. With Rajant and its partners, a fully digitalized mine is possible.”

Mines are some of the most challenging Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) environments in which to deploy network systems. Rajant’s partnership with CompTek, a Russian distributor of network and telecommunication equipment, has brought together other Eastern Europe and CIS partners to demonstrate support of machine-to-machine (M2M) connectivity and mobility for open-pit and underground mining.

“Unlike traditional wireless networks that run using fixed infrastructure and have limited range and coverage such as Wi-Fi and LTE, Rajant is unique,” shares Marcin Kusztal, Sales Director Eastern Europe and CIS for Rajant. “Our Kinetic Mesh BreadCrumb® nodes overcome the mine’s constantly changing conditions, which hinder connectivity and real-time application support, with industrial wireless networking that is unwavering in adverse and mobile environments. Rajant’s self-optimizing Kinetic Mesh nodes work via multiple-frequency, peer-to-peer connections. Plus, the BreadCrumbs can be fixed or mobile, ensuring a mining operation’s continuous productivity and safety. Stop by our booth at the show, and we’ll show you how we do it.”

About CompTek

Founded in 1989, CompTek is the leading Russian distributor of network and telecommunication equipment. An innovative company providing breakthrough technologies, CompTek’s business is based on a two-tier system affording its partners a whole range of services to support and develop their business. This work model, with the extended support and value-added services (VAD,) is directed at operators, system integrators and software developers. We offer professional technical expertise, project financing and management, equipment testing and the specialists’ training at our Training Center, one of the first certified in Russia, where thousands of engineers from Russia and CIS countries have received certification.

About Rajant Corporation

Rajant Corporation is the broadband communications technology company that invented Kinetic Mesh® networking, BreadCrumb® wireless nodes, and InstaMesh® networking software. With Rajant, customers can rapidly deploy a highly adaptable and scalable network that leverages the power of real-time data to deliver on-demand, mission-critical business intelligence. A low-latency, high-throughput, and secure solution for a variety of data, voice, video, and autonomous applications, Rajant’s Kinetic Mesh networks provide industrial customers with full mobility, allowing them to take their private network applications and data anywhere. With successful deployments in 65 countries for customers in military, mining, ports, rail, oil & gas, petrochemical plants, municipalities, public safety, agriculture, and warehouse & factory automation. Rajant is headquartered in Malvern, Pennsylvania with additional facilities and offices in Arizona and Kentucky. For more information, visit or follow Rajant on LinkedIn and Twitter.


Alice DiSanto

Rajant Corporation


tel. 914-582-8464

Source: GlobeNewswire

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