Radio Opole » Kraj i świat
2022-05-25, 08:20 Autor: PAP

New edition of "Advokaten 1938" sheds light on lawyers during the fates of the Nazi era (MediaRoom)

The "Anschluss" of Austria in 1938 meant the end of professional life for many Austrian law-yers. Their fate is described in the new edition of the book "Advokaten 1938".

Vienna, 25th May 2022. “The Association of Research of the Professional History of the Members of the Austrian Bar Discredited between 1938 and 1945“, which is the editor of the book “Advokaten 1938“, published in November 2010, introduce the second edition of its publication dealing with the fates of 2,200 lawyers and trainee lawyers registered with the regional bar organisations of Austria on January 1, 1938, who were either barred from continuing their training or from practicing the legal profession from 1938 to 1945.

New edition sheds light on trainee lawyers

This second edition of “Advokaten 1938” for the first time contains not only the biographies of lawyers but also of the many trainee lawyers who were deprived of their livelihoods or whose lives were eradicated. And it also speaks about the lives and the work of others, who either returned to Austria and resumed practising the legal profession or those who were able to acquire a qualification to practice the same or a similar profession abroad.

By means of this book the Austrian Bar Organisations would like to remember the fates of 2,200 Austrian lawyers and trainee lawyers who experienced the most horrible things under the Nazi regime in Austria. A remembrance that is not only dedicated to dealing with the immensely negative aspects of recent Austrian history but that is meant to keep the memory of these Austrian lawyers and trainee lawyers alive.

Worldwide distribution ensures commemoration

The academic contributions of the authors Prof. Dr. Ilse Reiter-Zatloukal (Vienna Faculty of Law) and historian Dr. Barbara Sauer in this second edition of “Advokaten 1938” present their recent research findings and thus provide new insights. This second edition of “Advokaten 1938” is published in English to allow all around the globe who wish to preserve the memory of the victims to understand their fates and the history behind, each and everyone.

Dr. Alix Frank-Thomasser the initiator of the book and chairwoman of the editorial board, is significantly involved in its creation: "It seems comparatively easy to express the history of the Austrian legal profession 1938-1945 in anonymised figures. That is not what happened here. With this, a personal commemoration was made possible for the first time."


For Further Information and query notice:


Source: APA-OTS

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