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2022-09-19, 15:40 Autor: PAP

PubMatic Puts Publishers in Control with Major OpenWrap Enhancements (MediaRoom)

New Omnichannel Upgrades for OTT, Mobile App Developers, and Web Publishers

NO-HEADQUARTERS/REDWOOD CITY, Calif., Sept. 19, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- PubMatic (Nasdaq: PUBM), an independent technology company delivering digital advertising’s supply chain of the future, today announced a series of major investments in OpenWrap, the company’s unified auction solution for publishers. Recent enhancements to OpenWrap give publishers, including app developers, increased flexibility and improved performance with omnichannel and platform-specific enterprise-grade developer customization.

As a leading independent wrapper solution globally, OpenWrap gives publishers more control over their programmatic advertising business. There has been strong momentum for the solution: As of Q2 of 2022, PubMatic revenue from OpenWrap has nearly doubled year-over-year.

OpenWrap is built on the open-source Prebid codebase, which provides publishers greater control, transparency and innovation. With new OpenWrap features, sellers can clearly examine and activate the levers that contribute to delivering incremental performance.

PubMatic has released a suite of enhanced capabilities to create value across web, CTV/OTT and mobile app. All publishers and developers leveraging OpenWrap will now gain:

- Yield improvements - Floors designed to increase revenue, ad refresh at no cost, and levers that lift CPMs while maintaining fill.

- Upgraded management API - Customize OpenWrap to better fit the tech stack, and gain access to new automation and API options that add flexibility.

- Enhanced analytics - Holistic, data-visualized and real-time view of their ad business.

Additionally, OpenWrap has released new capabilities that deliver platform-specific benefits:

- Web publishers can now utilize more than 40 Prebid modules to leverage multiple, third-party-developed technology with efficient and unbiased integration.

- Mobile app developers can now seamlessly integrate with the top mobile mediation providers, leveraging OpenWrap’s SDK to gain access to PubMatic’s global brand demand.

- OTT publishers can now benefit from in-line bidding, capturing the full power of a unified auction that connects with third-party ad servers.

“PubMatic provides top-notch technology support that allows Leaf Group to save time and resources while keeping our focus on content creation,” said Corey Wong, Vice President, Revenue Operations at Leaf Group. “OpenWrap already provides great value to our business and we're looking forward to leveraging the new enhancements to help us continue to streamline operations and to stay ahead of the constantly evolving ad tech landscape.”

“OpenWrap has been an important component of our programmatic strategy. We look forward to working with PubMatic to put these new innovations to work to help us drive revenue while ensuring we always maintain the optimal experience for our audiences,” said David Sky, Director of Advertising Solutions, True Digital.

“OpenWrap is first and foremost a performance solution built for publishers and app developers. We know every publisher’s business is different. We believe in open, flexible technology that enables total control and interoperability for every publisher, regardless of their inventory mix or monetization strategy. Our recent enhancements build on this foundation, delivering higher performance, more nuanced capabilities and richer insights to ensure publishers maximize the value of their inventory and audiences,” said John Martin, Director of OpenWrap at PubMatic.

About PubMatic

PubMatic (Nasdaq: PUBM) is an independent technology company maximizing customer value by delivering digital advertising’s supply chain of the future. PubMatic’s sell-side platform empowers the world’s leading digital content creators across the open internet to control access to their inventory and increase monetization by enabling marketers to drive return on investment and reach addressable audiences across ad formats and devices. Since 2006, our infrastructure-driven approach has allowed for the efficient processing and utilization of data in real time. By delivering scalable and flexible programmatic innovation, we improve outcomes for our customers while championing a vibrant and transparent digital advertising supply chain.


Broadsheet Communications for PubMatic


tel. (917) 826-1103

Source: GlobeNewswire

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